Micron AU8120 Airblast Atomizer Spray Nozzle

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Over thirty years of research and development went into the Micron AU8120 Atomizer. Through the utilization of rotary technology, the Micron AU8120 can be very lucrative for its user. Intended for use in a wide array of airblast sprayers; the AU8120 can maximize the results of a new airblast sprayer, or offer a new lease on life for an older sprayer.

How does it work?:

Through the use of a rotating wire screen, the atomizer breaks chemical into droplets; thus concentrating the spray volume into a narrow range. In order to adjust the size of the spray droplets, the operator simply has to change the speed of the atomizer's rotation.

The advantages of Rotary Atomization technology include:

  • Increased crop penetration
  • Increased leaf coverage
  • Increased control over drift
  • Increased work rates
  • Reduced application rates
  • Reduced water usage
  • Reduced down-time
  • Reduced fuel usage
  • Reduced labor costs
  • reduced environmental damage